System Properties Settings page



  1. "AutoLogoff" CheckBox: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
  2. "default printer" CheckBox: 3-state checkbox, may be Default Printer (checked), default printer HTML (checked and grayed), or Default Printer OFF (unchecked).  See Printing for the meanings of these values
  3. "AutoRun" CheckBox: selects where System Properties is to run at logon (writes into Run key for current user in Registry) - not valid (IGNORED) for Control Panel applet
  4. Timer CheckBox - enables/disables main timer - see Hidden Functions
  5. Timer EditBox - sets timer in milliseconds
  6. top ListView: list of Scheduled Tasks on system - only modification of existing is currently enabled
  7. "SysEdit" button: runs SysEdit.exe Microsoft application if present
  8. "MSConfig" button: runs MSConfig.exe Microsoft application if present
  9. "View Log" button: views Scheduled Tasks log
  10. "View System log" button: views program log file as text (see Event Log)
  11. "Recycle Bin" button: view / empty Recycle Bin
  12. INI Files "Edit" button: edits an INI file with NotePad
  13. INI Files "Merge" button: merges an INI file into Registry, into a key with same name, into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHIINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping for Win9x, or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHIINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping for NT
  14. "Check Links..." button: checks for invalid links (.LNK ShortCut files pointing to deleted files) and displays in
  15. Dead Links ListView.  Filled by "Check Links..." button, check items to remove (Kill Links button) or double-click on single shortcuts to delete
  16. "Kill Links" button: delete all checked dead links in ListView
  17. "Print..." button: prints dead links - See Printing
  18. INI Files "UnMerge" button: creates an INI file from equivalent information previously merged into Registry
  19. Date / Time pickers: intended to select new scheduled tasks; NOT IMPLEMENTED
  20. Apply button: refresh displayed information